Family Crest

Family Crest

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reunion Reservations

Many of you have reserved rooms but we have not received you reunion registration information or funds.  Remember registration must be received by JUNE 30.  If you are in need of another registration form, email

T-shirts orders are due when you send in your registration.  We will not order EXTRA shirts.

Remember the reunion package is a great deal for family entertainment.  By purchasing your package in advance you are saving approximately $20 per person.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The hotel reservations cutoff date is approaching.  The cutoff date for reservations is JUNE 20, 2011.  All reservations received after this date will be accepted on a Space Available Basis Only at the regular rate.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Registration is OUT!

Registration forms have been mailed or e-mailed to everyone on the family spreadsheet.  If you know of someone that have not received their forms, please forward their e-mail address to  I was notified that several members in the Los Angelas area were not aware of the reunion and have never attended a reunion.  Let us band together to encourage them to attend this year. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Reunion Information and Registration Form

Hello Cousins,
The reuion information and registration forms have been e-mailed to all family members with access.  Pass this information on to other members.  By next weekend, the majority of the family should have received either a e-mail or a letter containing reunion information.  Encourage members to attend.  It is going to be FUN! 

Check your e-mail often for new information

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Holidays Are Over

Well, the holidays are over.  The year 2010 was filled with some disappointments, some betrayals, some let-downs but PLENTY of blessings.    Regardless to the dilemmas you may have experience, we still have plenty to reasons to say THANKS to GOD!

The Reunion is only seven (7) months away.  If you have not made your reservation, do so as soon as possible.  Early registration lets us know if we need to reserve more rooms.  Yes, I know that the rooms are expensive, but trust me, the location is well worth the money.  Go to the Moody Gardens web-site and view the many activities that will be available for your enjoyment.

Reunion packages will be e-mailed out to those members with e-mail address and mailed to those without at the end of the month.  So check your email for updates.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Reunion Cost

Hello Cousins,
Much discussion has taken place about preliminary menus and potential events which lead to the final registration cost per person.  Adult registration for the 2011 reunion is $100 and children (2-11) is $65.  This does not include a t-shirt which will be sold at an optional purchase price.  Remember, Moody Garden is also offering the family an opportunity to purchase activity packages at a VERY LOW cost of $41.00 for everyone 3 and over.  Check out the Moody Garden Website to get a preview of activities.  Start saving your money and look for your reunion package in January 2011.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reservation Directions

Attendees are to call hotel’s general reservation line 1-888-388-8484 and pick up rooms from the "Dozens of Cousins" Cason-Slack-Lawrence-Anderson reunion room block. It is never too early

Hey, take a look at the rough draft of the t-shirts design.  Thanks goes out to Michael Anderson of Houston.  Micheal is working very hard to design a shirt that represent this area of the United States.